My friend Cory and I decided to check out the Screenburn Arcade at the interactive portion of SXSW. We were walking through the main hall outside the auditoriums and I saw Jonathan Coulton standing there with his guitar. We walked past and then I thought “No, wait, I can’t just keep walking.”

So I backtracked and said hi, asking if he was doing any gigs during the festival. He said he had done a non-SXSW show last night (curses!) and then he was playing at some party tonight. I didn’t have a pass, so I wouldn’t be able to get in. But it was cool to meet him and chat briefly and burst out in uncontrolled fanboy gushing. I did that later. In private.

3 Comments on "JoCo @ SXSW"

  1. Jenny says:

    The fanboy gushing isn’t as private if you post it 😉

  2. Echo says:

    I am bitterly jealous.

  3. Drey says:


    Coulton was super laid back and cool.

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